Our Work

Over the last 20 years FADF has proudly created and nurtured vital programs and community space serving the Filipino community in the South of Market District and in the City and County of San Francisco. FADF is also the fiscal sponsor for Filipina/o organizations in the San Francisco Bay Area providing necessary support to the Filipino community.

FADF Projects

  • Filipino Mental Health Initiative - Yoga Workshop

    Filipino Mental Health Initiative

    FMHI-San Francisco was established in 2012 through the collaboration of mental health providers, consumers, advocates, community leaders, and interested community members committed to supporting the wellness of Filipinos and Filipino-Americans in San Francisco.

  • Filipino Education Center - Galing Bata

    Since 2001, the FEC Galing Bata Bilingual Program provides quality guidance, care, and protection (gabay, lingap, bantay) to students from transitional kindergarten to the eighth grade at Bessie Carmichael Filipino Education Center Pre K - 8.

  • SOMA Pilipinas Cultural Heritage District - Performance

    SOMA Pilipinas Cultural Heritage District

    The cultural heritage district spanning 1.5 square miles honors 120+ history of Filipinos in San Francisco, and celebrates the community’s living legacy of making home, celebrating culture, building community and fighting for economic and racial justice in the rapidly gentrifying South of Market neighborhood.

  • Bayanihan Community Center

    ​The Bayanihan Community Center is a project of the Filipino-American Development Foundation. The community center is 7,000 square feet on the ground floor and basement of the Bayanihan House located at the corner of 6th and Mission Streets in San Francisco's South of Market (SOMA). The Bayanihan House is the site of the former Delta Hotel, a residential hotel that was owned by Dr. Mario Borja, a Filipino.

Fiscally Sponsored Artists